Wednesday 21 October 2009

Editing/First Day

I have had my first day of editing and it's going well. I will need to shorten some scenes and blend scenes into eachother. Another aspects I will be thinking about is adding a sound clip to enhance the effect of the short film. I will try allocate 3 hours for 1 minute of editing.

See Ya Soon, *Beckford23*

Friday 16 October 2009

Filming Schedule

I have managed to post my filming schedule on my blog which shows my planning through out the week, with detail on each day. During the week a went through various stages such as planning, rehearsals, camera shots, changes to scripts and then the day of filming. Having a filming schedule allows me to have a clear view on what happened during each day along with how long I spent on each stage.

I will soon put up pictures of a the film on my blog with a later view of a snippet of the actual film.

See Ya Soon *Beckford23*

Monday 12 October 2009

Changes/ Modificatons

I have done some minor changes to my short film with the beginning and the end. In the beginning I have added a quote from Coach Henry Ford speaking on team work. This will be the very first scene that will be seen by the audience. I have also ended with a quote from another coach who speaks of sacrifice. These techniques have the film to develop as it gives the audience something to think about before and after the film. Both quotes not only apply to Basketball, it also applies to life. Having this feature added into my short film gives the chance for the audience to take away something from the film and possibly implement it into their lives.

I'm currently working on uploading my storyboard and filming schedule to my blog.

See Ya Soon, *Beckford23*